Monday, August 27, 2012

I'd Be Lying If I Said I Wasn't A Little Bit Stressed Out...

A lot is going on...from work, to school, to life...I know just saying it doesn't sound like a lot but the reality of it is a lets begin with the fact that this week officially starts Fall term..My first class is Wednesday night, its a three and a half hour class...imagine that, and my other class is Friday morning, a two hour and forty-five minute class or something like that, however the benefit is they are both only once a week.. Now as for work, its been really good..BUT the past two nights that I have closed there have been dilemmas, for starters last night I completely forgot to 'end the day' on the register I know my fault but the guilt I had was outrageous, although I must admit I felt rushed when I saw my mom waiting, and it obviously completely slipped my mind...and tonight it wouldn't even allow me to cash out :( technical difficulties on shop, no pun intended..but honestly I want a smooth night again..where everything just goes perfectly, but perfect shouldn't even be a word to be honest...on another note, life just seems not normal right now, and I don't know if its everything thats going on, like these past two nights at work, and the fact that school is starting, but its like I feel completely drained of everything...and when I say that I mean everything I feel like I just need a minute to breathe, relax, clean my room, and enjoy me time...and I know that isn't going to be possible for a while, I work tomorrow night, I have school Wednesday night as I already mentioned, so Thursday should be my day to get myself together, the one day I have nothing planned, aside from cleaning, Friday I have class in the morning, I get paid!!!!, I am planning on going to get my tragus pierced, its official I am not contemplating the triple helix anymore, and then I get to do some relaxing, or more than likely some homework, I wish someone could feel the agony as I type that, Saturday I have an early morning staff meeting, and I work PM, and I work Sunday night too, so hopefully by  then I will be back to my glorious mood, I am also wondering if that time of the month is coming up, and thats why I am feeling so moody/stressed/tired/anxious/etc. OH but I got my nail polish in today, so hopefully in-between all of that mess, I will be able to get the nail polish swatches and what not done, so I can upload it by Friday, or whenever I can :)...I am going to now go enjoy the rest of this LifeTime Movie I started, and then get some much, or more than needed sleep! Good night all, or morning, whatever it may be for you!

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