Monday, September 10, 2012

It's Been Awhile...

First I want to say I didn't realize that outfit idea thing from Polyvore posted...hahah so that was a surprise, I've been kind of organizing what I want to buy for fall fashion, and I am definitely loving the burgundy jeggings, with leopard/cheetah print, or a basic tank with a cardigan or blazer...but anyways I figured I would kind of update where I have been, why I haven't posted, whats going on etc etc...but I don't even know where to start hahaha...
I guess I'll start with updating on my tragus piercing..its doing good, I think its healing really well, it doesn't hurt, it can feel a little tender if I were to touch it to hard or what ever...but I'm still cleaning it the same, so thats good :)..but anyways I haven't been posting blogs lately..which is weird that this is my first real blog in always feels like I just said its another month, like not that long ago haha, and I guess since my aunt, and little cousin get up earlier than I normally do, it wakes me and then my days feel super long considering I don't go to bed till later, but yeah my days have been feeling LLLOOONNNGGG..but however I worked last Saturday, and Sunday...and that was fine except on Saturday I had a really bad sore throat, it went away Sunday, but by Sunday night I had gotten a full blown basically all last week I stayed in bed, did homework, and when I was on the internet I was looking for fall clothes and things that I am planning on getting, which when I do (sometime next week) I will be doing a since nothing exciting was going on I didn't feel like blogging, and I was sick, and words couldn't express how bad I felt...anyways so all that happened and that was the main source of why I hadn't been blogging, and I must advise anyone who does get sick to never go to school..seriously its terrible, I wanted to just run out on Wednesday, honestly. But moving right along Friday morning I had class, I got out early, I don't know if I mentioned my mom and I are taking that together, but if I haven't now I have lol..but we got out early and my aunt had continuously sent my mom make a long long long story short, and save tons of aunt had a company come out for an upgrade..and they accidentally cut or hit or whatever they did the main water pipe, and basically her house flooded and ceilings fell, and just a terrible event, so I offered my room to her and my little cousin so they didn't have to go through the trouble of dealing with a different home, that may have been a hassle for his school, and that put me on the couch, and I have been wanting to blog but blogging on the couch just doesn't feel right which is funny to me...but whatever I am dealing with it and doing it pretty much there are six of us in this house, her animals, our animals, and evidently this could last anywhere from a month till Thanksgiving, or thats what she my point being its been such a hectic week, and on top of that suddenly I had a terrible tooth ache, where a filling is, and this would be the second filling to I don't know erupt? hahah ugh but it has been horrible, luckily I still had some amoxocillin to kind of calm it until I can go to the dentist, and actually it took away a lot of the pain..I mean I could easily go to the dentist but, since I just got my tragus done, the actual ortho place where they deal with this makes you take out any earrings..and even though the pain was unbearable this morning, I am not going to take out a piercing I paid out of pocket for to fix it...I know that sounds stupid but honestly..I think I'll take my chances unless I feel the amoxocillin isn't working until it is healed...but yeah so basically I am praying everything will just get a little better..not that much is bad, but between being sick, a tooth ache, and adjusting to the couch I feel I deserve a little miracle or something...oh thats selfish :(....

Getting back in the habit of blogging again, oh I have missed this...haha ;)

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