Monday, July 23, 2012

Early Mornings..

Where do I even begin? I mean honestly I woke up early to sign up for the two classes that I can take, Bio and int. algebra...So I had this idea in my head that I would get the classes I wanted, word to the wise never PLAN on getting what you want when your college thinks its a good idea to let new students, and students with more than 30 credits to pick their classes before you, yes you the one who has been in college for almost a year now...ok so I am referring to myself you caught me clearly, but I will never plan on that again, I knew logically the online math I wanted was full, and I probably wouldn't get it, but last night I checked to make sure the Wednesday Bio was still available and it was...oh these morning critters (HAHAHA) got to it before I could...but you know everything happens for a reason and I am well aware I mention this in almost every single blog but it is in fact true, so it comes down to this... the Bio I wanted was full, and it was easy to pick another bio with a decent teacher, a warm thank you to I couldn't have picked one without you, lol seriously though I looked at probably 5-8 different professors available for two days a week around my schedule (although I don't really have much of a schedule -sighs-) and I picked the highest ranked one :) oh and yes it was available..haha so the hard part was finding a math professor I knew what I wanted, I wanted a class that  was one day a week, anytime really, and only used the program I like, its called Aleks incase you were but I found the perfect class and the professor got a pretty good rank, OH and by the way getting back to the 'everything happens for a reason' my mom who was lucky enough to sign up for classes last Monday, got the online int. algebra, so I was looking at it and it doesn't even use the program I like, Spring semester I failed a math class because it didn't have this specific program that I used with the first math I took in college, it helps out a lot honestly, so when I took the math in Spring it was like everything was completely foreign to me although math usually seems to be pretty foreign anyways but what a blessing in disguise right? I am actually pretty satisfied with the classes I have chosen :) so far at least... hahaha.. aside from the fact the that both classes are almost three hours long haha, and this is the first time I won't be taking any classes solely online, yikes.

So on a different note, I had a dream last night...that I got an e-mail from the job. Let me fill you in...I didn't give them my e-mail haha, it didn't ask.. but anyways so I got an e-mail saying I got the job blahblahblah, maybe this is a sign? maybe today they will call? or maybe the idea is still just chilling in the back of my mind hoping, but who knows...maybe she will call maybe she won't call.

On a different, different, note lol...I just finished my macadamia nut coffee, yes I had to mention specifically what kind, only because I talked about this coffee previously..but my day is going to consist of math homework, OH this is the last week of summer term incase I failed to mention this prior to now lol, I have my last chapter test, and my final this week? (I just looked at the calendar to check) yep its definitely this week, ugh so crammed but at least it will be over with right?, so I'll be doing that, and probably a pre-test (I know I can't seem to stay away from these, I just love them so much -sarcasm) and I will probably relax in bed afterwards and continue reading Fifty Shades...I feel so fancy abbreviating it like that ;) I am on chapter 14, which I think is half way through the first book, clearly its keeping my attention, and also my mind off of other things that I don't need to stress about!

~I am not much of a morning person, but I actually didn't mind getting up so early this morning, probably a one in a million kind of morning for me haha literally though, I am going to keep searching for my Mr.Grey, and I am going to continue to rely on hope, and knowing everything happens for a reason, as if I don't mention this everyday but honestly I am going to break if I don't find out about that job..soon, real soon.

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