Sunday, July 22, 2012

Fifty shades of what??

Yes I finally gave in, and just started reading Fifty Shades Of Grey, last night..I like it honestly so far it is exactly this (in my opinion): an adult twist of Twilight, and porn. I imagine before the internet, and prior to dvds/vhs porn people read things of this nature...I am not at the crazy part yet either though maybe crazy isn't the word 'exotic' or 'kinky' right up my alley hahaha, so I mean hey if you enjoy reading something along those lines go for it, I like it just because I find it interesting, but then again I find anything interesting if it isn't involving me currently :/...and two pluses; #1 I haven't read a book for pleasure since 9th grade which happened to be Twilight, and #2 it gets me sleepy so its perfect for me right now since I have to get up early tomorrow to sign up for my classes so I get what I want..I know I know its joyful waking up at 7:30am :) haha..

Wishing I could meet a Mr.Grey right about now...handsome, knows how to please a woman, and rich in that case I wouldn't have to dwell on hearing back about this job, just kidding I really want this job, high hopes, sticking with my prayer, and wishful thinking...what a Sunday night back to reading this wonderful, pornified, shady book, oh and on another note, this is helping with my typical insomnia (I usually don't fall asleep until 2:30-3:00am, woohoo!) hahaha.

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