Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Reality Of Dieting

Dieting can be one of the hardest challenges in ones life...its summer and I swear every summer I go on a diet and they're always's funny though because I am going on my third week of this diet and I have already lost a few pounds to keep me encouraged..but I feel like I have hit a bump in the road I have been trying not to snack at night but the last few nights I have snacked :[ I actually feel really this week I am attempting to commit to not snacking at night and see what happens this week. Diets always seem so easy the first week, and become so difficult after that...especially working out, but (knocks on wood) I think this could be the real deal, aha, like I actually think I am going to stick this one out or at least I believe I can..It's kind of disappointing that if I would have stuck out the diet from last year I would probably be exactly where I am aiming for now, but on a more positive note, myfitnesspal app has become my current best friend (sarcasm) but really it is a good way of monitoring your calories, and workouts which I like a lot...Another thing that has kept me encouraged is I have already had a few people say I look like I am toning up, which is always a grandpa made a comment today which really made me think..he said "people always get discouraged because they think a miracle will happen over night, and when it doesn't happen they just give up" and he wasn't even referring to dieting..but that is the reality of my dieting, I get discouraged when I don't see results in a week or two so I just give up thinking I put all this effort into trying to have NO results, but obviously seeing results takes time and thats why I am making it a priority to stick this out. :)

A little encouragement now and then is all we really need to keep us motivated, or at least me. :)

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