Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sinking In

I am beginning to feel extremely overwhelmed, nervous, and anxious all at once...Tomorrow is my last day accompanied by anyone at work...then its just me Friday, and Saturday :/ I am nervous I will mess up, forget something, or not know how to properly do a transaction on gift tomorrow is my day to get every last bit in, I won't be with the manager, and I only have 3 hours tomorrow to get it all..ugh I am anxious to get Friday done and over with...just so I feel comfortable Saturday, I learned more today, and I felt like I did better...Friday is a 6 hour shift, I will probably be on the phone with the manager a good percentage of the time just so I make sure I am doing everything accurately, on another note...Saturday is a 3 hour shift, :) AND opening is easy so I shouldn't have any problems..or I hope not...this is a job, and if I mess up it could be the end of it, I am not trying to think negatively at all but sometimes it is just so hard to keep positive when you are feeling all of these things at once, but I am keeping my composure and staying as positive as I can...I will be praying tonight that everything goes smoothly for Friday and Saturday, and I need to finish getting all of my shifts written down because I may just be working Sunday too, for all I know lol...
It is exciting though knowing I am learning so much in a two-three day increment, I feel proud of myself just because I can properly run a register, clock in clock out, I know the rules, cashing in cashing out, the different methods we have, and of course getting used to all of the items, and prices, oh and where everything is located.. AND I only have 5 chapters left of Fifty Shades, Im kind of sad about that, my grandma is reading the second one so I have to wait to read it :/...I still really like the book though lol...but yeah I guess thats it, I may not blog tomorrow depending on how I feel I have a busy day, I have a test at 2 a final at 2:30, work 5-8:30, and by then I may just be ready to pass out, or maybe not, OH and I have been wearing the worst shoes possible so my feet have been hurting, but I went swimming and relaxed in the pool it actually helped my whole body feel relaxed and semi-normal, if you've never had a job standing for several hours you probably won't understand, I know I will get used to it eventually, but for now its painful, and its not actually painful during at all like I have no NEED to sit, but when Im done and I actually sit down I can feel how worn out my body is, and my feet hurt after...and I am completely ok with this...

Sometimes it is hard to be positive, but positivity makes situations a WHOLE lot better, taking a few minutes and praying also helps. Cheers with my invisible drink to staying positive even when it is really hard.

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