Sunday, July 15, 2012

Not an exciting weekend

Honestly it has been a really boring weekend, nothing exciting has happened except the fact that I got a 95 on my test, but I have also been busy if that makes sense, anyways I still haven't gotten back into routine but tomorrow I am :) I am so excited, which sounds stupid but I miss it (haha)...but there really isn't much to say I am calling it an early night, because I have a busy day tomorrow, go figure, so hopefully tomorrows blog is a bit more exciting, hopefully...

I rarely ever put boring, and busy in the same sentence, unless its finals week, which is coming up soon HAHAHA so I guess I'm just preparing...:) not to mention the fact that summer term is over in two weeks, but Fall term begins less than a month after that :[....

sweeeet dreams.

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