Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Breaking routine/Dreams

I really don't like mentioning diet in every single blog (hahah) but honestly ever since I have been on my diet I have had a really workable routine, get up, drink my coffee, get on the treadmill for an hour..but today I had other things I had to do..personally I like getting the whole workout ordeal out of the way first thing in the morning, so breaking my routine really sucks, but anyways, I am replacing my Saturday with today, usually I skip out on working out on Saturday just because I am busy on Saturdays, and all of that fun stuff lol but whatever, I still got some exercise in the pool, and after I post this Im gonna do my extra workouts (crunches, push ups, squats, lunges etc.) On a different note...today was pretty boring, woke up late, lunch at my aunts house, homework, swimming, MORE homework, and even more homework after I workout and shower...I am so glad I only have a few more weeks until Summer term is over :) but that just means I get a few weeks off before Fall term (oh the joy I feel) so basically I don't have much to say, I didn't have any sky inspiration today (hahaha) although, I have been having those really bad dreams, where it feels like its so real, and it just so happens to be something you would actually enjoy in life, like perhaps ALOT of money..hmm and you wake up to only realize it was just a dream, (haha) I don't know I guess they aren't so bad, but I have been having them for quite a while, I mean most dreams feel real to me anyways, but these actually seem like real (excuse me, while I try to explain something via internet that won't make any sense lol) but I don't know dreams are weird...I can't imagine not having dreams, but some dreams are really intense, like the dreams where it feels like you can see your room perfectly and you know you are dreaming but you can't move, or make any noise, I always try to wake myself up cause it freaks me out, and then I find it hard to go back to sleep..(knocks on wood) I haven't had one in a really long time, thankfully so I hope I'm not like "jinxing" myself! But anyways I guess thats it for now... :)!!

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