Monday, July 30, 2012

Huge blog (5days later)

I can't even decide where I want to start this blog, I feel like I have so much to say....I guess I'll start with work...

Thursday was a good day, everyone is so nice, its great when everyone has a nice demeanor it was good learned how to close, easy enough...
Friday was my first day on my own closing, it was fine a little busy, pretty easy, so it was overall pretty good, until I felt completely overwhelmed when I got home, I don't even know why...I just felt really stressed out for some unknown reason..
Saturday wasn't the best honestly...I had to get up early to go take a test before opening at work, I had to rush through my final exam (thankfully I passed the class), I got to work almost late but I wasn't :), I'm sure you see where this is going, it was a very slow day, I had to go restock the chips after we opened so I had to put the little sign up. Before work I got a huge coffee with a shot of espresso hoping that'd do the trick and keep me semi alive, but by the time 1 came around I had to pee so bad, I was trying to hold it until the other girl got there but I couldn't so I had to put up the sign again, I felt really guilty, and like I said it was slow so it wasn't the best day..
Sunday was a good day overall, I closed again, it was pretty slow too but I had more to do, I had to put up the promo jewelry so it kept me busy, and I had a couple customers but still not enough..
Its funny though there was a guy who came in on Saturday to buy some flowers, and he stopped in on Sunday and called me his girlfriend (cute right?) haha he was older I thought it was pretty funny, then I had a pervy come in and say something along the lines of "if you were my nurse i'd..." and I kind of blocked out anything he said after that although it was funny, I just remotely laughed it off typical me...and then I had a guy walk by (we are located right in the front of the hospital entrance) I smile at everyone that walks by, just because, lol but anyways the guy walks by and walks back just to say "you have a very nice smile" it was really nice of him...kind of made my week? lol.

Work has totally "turned me on" to cold play, we listen to the two radio stations that play a mix of music, and all weekend I heard cold play (the music keeps me sane on slow days) but the lyrics just have stuck so I have been listening to cold play frequently which isn't usually my forte but the lyrics are really...I don't even think I could describe it, just nice, and its like relaxing music anyways...

I finished the first Fifty Shades Of Grey, I teared up at the end, it was the like the total reality of how it is with men and women's mentalities...but anyways I am now reading Fifty Shades Darker, the second book, and I am actually anxious to read it tonight, ugh am I really finding an escape of my own reality though this book? I am assuming so hahah.

Is it luck, fate, both, or neither?

Yesterday I was talking to a friend about life...and I am a firm believer in 'everything happens for a reason', 'good things happen to those who wait', and of course 'fate will bring you to your destiny'...he completely disregarded all of things I said in what I believe...but its the reality of it...when someone tells me a story or I hear a story about how they decided not to go somewhere and something bad ended up happening, or someone goes somewhere and meets someone unexpectedly, for some reason I just know we have a plan whether or not it is completely mapped out so to speak, or if it just happens to build up in the moment, obviously I don't know but its weird how things work, its weird that we don't get a job we really wanted, but eventually we find a job (or whatever it is) that is absolutely perfect...or how we feel like we love someone who feels completely opposite...and eventually when you meet the right person both feelings are mutual...its weird thats why I say everything happens for a reason, good things happen for a reason, and fate will bring us to our destiny..thats why I try not to dwell on falling in love, or anything anymore if its in my plan, or meant to be it will be...despite everything. And I do believe in some sort of luck but I haven't quite figured that out at all..haha.

I can never get over how people think its completely OK to abuse financial assistance either, I know this a completely different out of no where topic, but really...People actually work hard for their money while others get it for free, I understand if you are disabled, but if you just chose not to bite the bullet and find a job there is a problem...sometimes you have to sacrifice it all or nothing especially if you have a family, and a home, getting two part time jobs is possible sometimes there are dead end jobs I get that, but also sometimes there are things you have to do like swallow your pride so you don't have to abuse the system, I mean really...usually the people that sacrifice things end up with some sort of light at the end of the tunnel, aka a miracle, and of course sometimes not...which leads me to another point one time I thought about the old famous 'why do good things happen to bad people'...but I came to the conclusion if its over subjective things, objects, men etc...they're all easy to grasp if I wanted it bad enough I'd have what the 'bad' people have as well...but sometimes people have higher standards then others and better things going for them to worry about trying to get what others have...I don't even know where I am going with this, let alone if it will even make any sense but whatever lol..

I'm going to end the blog here...hopefully i'll blog more the next few days since I don't have to work for a few days!!! leaving you with some cold play encouragement "lights will guide you home" "could it be worse", probably the best question to ask yourself when things are tough, "you don't know how lovely you are", "lets go back to the start", "nobody said it was easy", as you can see I only used two songs but..anyways maybe one of these will relate to you, encourage you, or make your day. :)

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