Sunday, July 8, 2012

Time Flies/Exercise/Florida Heat/Swimming...

I know I am 8 days late, but I still can't believe it's already July. It's crazy that I will have been in college a whole year next month, somedays it seems like I just signed up and other days it seems like I have been in college for years (hahaha) however..I am glad and sad about it at the same time, I am glad that I am getting closer to finishing college, but at the same time I just want to tell life to slow down just for a few minutes..It's so weird because I haven't even had a chance to enjoy this summer I am taking two summer classes, ok so one is already finished but the other one is online and consumes a lot of my spare time, I have only been to the beach 2-3 times this year :[ and if I didn't already mention I live in Florida...But I am sure the next thing I know it will be next summer, and we only have one more official month of heat although its still warm in September, and October and then it will be my birthday :[ it seems like I just had my 18th birthday just a few months ago..and I am turning 20 this year that is beyond crazy to me..considering I feel like I never even turned 19 lol..anyways my point is where does time go? honestly..I wish someone had the answer!! However back to the Florida weather I went to go get my hour of exercise on the treadmill and in the past few weeks I haven't sweated as much as I did today :/ I am going the same pace and doing the same amount of I was a little confused until I stepped outside to realize its about a trillion degrees out (ok maybe that was an exaggeration) but thats what it feels like..its actually 93 out, which means its harder for the house to cool off...If you live in Florida, or ever decide to move to Florida I advise you to make sure you have some sort of access to any swimmable body of water, a pool, a lake, the beach whatever it is, I wish I had a pool in my backyard but since I don't I am thankful my aunt has a pool, which is where I am headed after I post this. That will seriously be the only thing I look for whenever I get a house above anything it MUST have a pool..speaking of pools if you are looking for great, easy, calorie burning exercises, doing 30 minutes of light moderate laps in a pool you burn more calories then you do on a treadmill at 2.5 pace for an if you did that for an hour you would burn more than double the calories from a treadmill (obviously, I like how I am stating the obvious) anyways...after last nights post of ranting about snacking at night I stepped on the scale and dropped a pound..real motivating to stop eating at night (haha) but I am going to try and commit myself starting tonight...but I guess it's time to go get my swim on lmao.

-Gladly, sadly, whatever it may moves quick so cherish each and every moment you can, even if you're stuck doing homework, or in college because these moments you may never have again, and maybe one day you will regret not cherishing them..or then again maybe not, who knows, you never know until it happens, and thats why I am leaving this post with a nice quote...

"Time is like a river you cannot touch the same water twice,because the flow that has passed will never pass again.Enjoy every moment of life…."

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