Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Yesterday/today update..

Alright..there was no reason (well maybe there was a reason that I just don't know) why I didn't blog yesterday, I actually should have but...anyways I don't know where to start I guess I'll start by saying I have been looking for a job at the hospital for several months now...and applying for many many jobs and not getting any replies, my brother (who works at the hospital actually both of my brothers do) brought me home an application on Saturday for a part time job at the hospitals gift shop, so yesterday (Monday) I went up to the hospital and turned in the application, the girl interviewed me on the spot, and basically said if my background check comes back clear (which it will..considering I've never had any criminal background etc) she will call me and I will have the job (I am all smiles as I type this) so I should be hearing back from her by Thursday and I should have a job at the hospital FINALLY, and the hours are perfect for my schedule with school, and everything (but let me not jinx myself)...haha so yesterday was a really really good day in all honesty it seemed like everywhere I went I didn't have to wait, and things just went really well :), so I am pretty excited still lol, but today was kind of a mellow day, nothing bad happened I just kind of felt like people were staring at me when I went to the store do you ever have those days?...and you kind of feel like oh do I look weird, is there something on my face, is my eyeliner running, is my hair sticking up? you know self conscience...but aside from that I have never been a Walmart fan anyways, the prices are pretty good but the Walmart I go to always seems packed, and they only have a few registers open, and you should know how Walmart is...and lets not forget the parking..anyways lol I am not complaining I am still just overly excited.. but I picked up another baby lips, haha since I have been wearing the fruit punch one pretty much everyday (the pink one) so I wanted to get the peach (nude/peachy) colored one so I can alternate from pink to neutral on the days that I don't wear lipstick...and we also needed shampoo we don't usually buy drugstore shampoo, we usually just buy the gigantic Red Ken shampoo and conditioner set when its on sale, because it lasts for months...but anyways there are two drugstore brands that we really like..one being John Frieda, and the other being Pantene, my mom had a coupon for $3.00 off of two Pantene products and I needed hairspray so it worked out well considering both products were like $3.30 so it was like buying one of the items for $.30 haha...then we just got some food products, my mom and I have been on a coconut fruit bar high (lol) we love them, and we have tried two brands (Whole Fruit, and Edy's) but today we saw Blue Bell had them so we couldn't resist trying those as well, and I grabbed a lime flavored one too, I have been wanting to try a lime fruit bar, and it was also nice that the Blue Bell ones are a dollar cheaper!! If you haven't tried a fruit bar you are missing out especially if you like coconut, lol...so I am going to have a good night tonight eat a fruit bar, while watching Love In The Wild (my current favorite show) it was actually one of my favorite shows last summer as well, NBC seems to know what I love to watch cause I always enjoy watching 'The Voice' which a new one comes on sometime this Fall I think woohoo lol! But anyways I am going to end this blog here, just because I could go on and on about shows, food products, and other unnecessary things lol :).

I believe everything happens for a reason, a reason why I never got a call back from any of the jobs I applied for, a reason why I just so happened to get interviewed on the spot, a reason why people stare..just a reason for everything, and a reason why sometimes it seems like we have to wait for what feels like forever to get to where we are supposed to be in life, whether it has something to do with a job, a relationship, whatever it may be I really do believe there is a reason for everything!! So don't ever just give up, or put yourself down because sometimes things take time, and things seem to happen just at the right time, when we need it the most!

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