Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The First Day

I didn't toss and turn all night long like I expected which is a relief, I woke up at 7am, got ready and left my house at 8:10am and got to work (haha) at 8:20am so I was a little early, I waited for the manager she got there, and she showed me all of the basics, cashing in/clocking in/where everything is etc. it was pretty easy today, a lot of different people, and a lot of information to learn in one day I think that exhausted me more than the initial work, and standing for 6hours..She is so nice, and understanding, she helped me get the gist of everything and we only have a few more things to run through tomorrow, although there are a few things I want to go over tomorrow just to make sure I am prepared, she would like me to work Friday night alone..ehh I'm ok with it as long as I can get the hang of everything, and thursday night I am working with other co-workers so I can learn how to close, I am kind of nervous to be on my own, but excited at the same, speaking of nervous I wasn't nervous at all today really, or at least not much...easy-peasy, hahaha now for a shower, fifty shades, and sleep, one more early morning of training or at least I hope so, although I dont mind it at all :).

Practice makes perfect, soon enough I'll be a pro right?(lol) and she also said the KEY to the cash register is to take your time, exactly patience, like I mentioned yesterday..:)

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