Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sometimes nothing seems to go according to plan

Today was one of those days, and so was yesterday...That's probably why I didn't blog yesterday. I have spent all day yesterday (on and off) and all morning/after noon doing a math pre-test, I was supposed to go take the test today, and I went, but of course the system was down and everything just went downhill, I haven't gotten on the treadmill in now three days because I have been so busy, so I have to make up the exercises (burn as many calories as I would have if I did the tready hahah) at night before bed, and it seems a million times harder than just getting on the treadmill, but it takes half the time :D, its just jumping roping for 10mins, jumping jacks for 10mins, and running in place for 10mins, it actually burns a little more than what I do on the treadmill, but I do it cause it cuts 30 mins off...but anyways days actually are starting to seem like they are going faster, I know I know I already mentioned this in another blog..BUT I mean somedays it feels like what I did yesterday is what I did that day...if that makes sense lol...I just want a normal day AGAIN honestly..and I hope it starts tomorrow, coffee, and the I said its a million times harder or so it seems to do these workouts at night, not only because they are harder, and not only because it feels like 10 mins takes an hour lol, but also because I am finding it difficult to actually push in the morning I can just do it without having to push myself...but on a completely different topic, I have been really wanting to do something different with my hair, I knew I didn't want anything too drastic like I didn't want to go blonde, or chop off my hair, but I wanted last summer my friend cut my bangs for me, but obviously with time they grew out SOO today I decided to cut my bangs, I used to always cut my bangs in 9th and 10th grade, and I am so glad I haven't lost my touch they came out perfect, or at least perfect for I haven't had an actual professional haircut since 10th grade..I am now going on my second year of college HAHA, and the last time I got a trim was in 11th grade by my friend, so I even thought about trimming the ends but then decided against it just incase I'd regret it, but I am still thinking about it, maybe next week? lol! But anyways, I guess its time to go workout :( if I can push myself a little further...

Sometimes nothing seems to go according to plan, but there is a reason for everything, a reason things don't always workout, a reason why nothing seems to last forever, a reason why somethings just don't seem fair. And sometimes we need a push to get anything done, just that "ummph" to either workout, go to college, or even just get out of bed....Also sometimes we need a change even if it isn't a huge change, whether its a personal change, a lifestyle change, or just a traditional at home fresh bang cut hair style change HAHAHA... :)

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