Saturday, July 21, 2012

News, Diet vacay, Cheap at home beauty tips...

First off I want to say my thoughts and prayers are with anyone that was affected by the Aurora tragedy.

NEWS, I actually see why some people are so fearful of our world, the news constantly puts out the reality of the things that are going on in our world, but at the same time it can definitely affect some people who are fearful...some of the most joyful things we can do in our lives, or just the things we do on an everyday basis can all be changed in a second..I know we all know this but hearing it everyday on the news doesn't help, and I am actually just really realizing how petrifying the reality of it is, I wish  we didn't have news, just a local channel with weather, traffic, and local events or something along those lines (aka a perfect world lol) I know this will never happen and we have the choice to either or watch or not watch, but yesterday as I flipped through all of the channels it seemed like everywhere this was talked about, does it bother me? no...but what are the odds of someone who is fearful finding this and never wanting to go the movies now, never go on an airplane, never go to a college, a high school, on a ride, drive their car etc...anyways it just got me thinking, I mean the news is great to keep us informed, but even if I was to avoid watching the news for one week, if I log into my email (MSN) the news is there, or even on a social network...I don't know where I am going with this hahah. :)

Diet vacation?, yes I am on a diet vacation, my vacation ends tomorrow, and no I didn't over indulge or anything crazy, a few weeks back I read about a guy who lost weight would take little breaks so he wouldn't get too worn out of the same routine, so that is what I did! I haven't calculated my calories, or did my usual exercising, I just gave myself a mini vacay and I felt like I needed it most this week, with all of the stress from school, to STILL not hearing about this job, I know that doesn't sound like much stress lol but it is for me, well kind of...

Cheap at home beauty tips
I figured I'd talk about my four favorite at home beauty tips (most of the things are found around ones home)

Honey, and sugar scrub-
pretty self explanatory lol
-a little under 1/4 a cup of white sugar
-a teaspoon of honey
-AND you can add a little face wash or soap to it if needed
mix them together and scrub away, it always leaves my face super soft, nice, and exfoliated!

The baby powder trick-
Most people probably know about this if you run out of dry shampoo, or have an oily scalp you can take a little baby powder and rub it in to your roots and it absorbs the oil :).

Mixing nail polish-
This is also one that is common, mixing white nail polish with colors to make it more of a pastel, or lighter color..
all you need is white nail polish, another color, an old nail polish brush, and something to mix the two colors on (an old lid, or old Tupperware)
mix away and you have yourself a new color (especially right now pastels, and brights are in)

Wash away that chlorine-
Lol I may be the only person that feels like chlorine lingers in my hair even after I rinse and repeat in the shower after swimming, I googled and googled and I came across this easy step..add BAKING POWDER to your shampoo evidently it helps do something with the PH level, you can google it if you'd like but I tried it and I don't smell the chlorine smell I usually do which is a plus hahah!

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