Monday, July 23, 2012

Dreams Can Become A Reality, OR Just Pure Coincidence


haha yep...I think the title is an automatic give away if you happened to read my last blog...I got the job! (just like my dream I had last night, except it was the call not e-mail haha, so weird) And I start 8:30am training I assume hopefully everything goes good, and I don't get too nervous, after I got the call I felt completely nervous, it was kind of but I think I was just shocked and overwhelmed, you know?? because about 20 minutes later I just felt normal, and I don't really feel nervous now, I'm sure it won't kick in until I am about to go to sleep and I'll be tossing and turning, or until I am driving there..My first REAL REAL job..haha, I am so relived though, after a week of anticipating this call..finally right? now I won't have to talk about that all the time, hopefully I'll have some good stories once I start..Basically I am a Sales Associate at a gift shop at a hospital, and if you didn't read any blogs prior to this one, I have been wanting a job in the hospital for quite sometime since I am going to school to become an RT. Anyways as I said in my last blog this morning was a one in a million that I actually enjoyed getting up, so I guess I'm going to have to get used to getting up early for the week, hopefully just the week the manager who interviewed me said I'd be working evenings so...thats why I said hopefully lol.. anyways on a different note, I read two more chapters from Fifty Shades, and I am going to read some more soon, to help me calm down and hopefully put me to sleep so I can fall asleep without all of the tossing and turning, but I'm sure it won't work like that hahaha..but I guess I'll blog about my first day tomorrow :), I kind of feel like its going to be like the first day of school (grade school) you know the anxious feeling you get when you want to know if you're going to like the teacher(s), let alone the class...although I don't feel that way in college, so maybe I have out grown that or maybe its just different? haha, anyways I better get to the reading before it gets too late!!!

Patience is all it takes sometimes, dwelling, doubting, and worrying can leave you bitter, insecure, and unsure, it's better to just go with the flow if it is meant to be, it will be...if not there are better things out there for you, whether this applies to a job you're waiting to hear back about, the person you feel is the one, or just any everyday event that makes you feel impatient, be patient, and maybe you will be surprised when it actually happens, or a better opportunity will arise as you wait, and not dwell, doubt, or worry. :) 

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