Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August 1st already?

Here we go again, another month slipped by way too fast...a lot has happened this month and I am so glad it all is going so good for me...I can't believe I only have about 25 days until school starts again..there isn't enough time in the world to just sit around and wrap my head around this (hahaha) or maybe there is but...everything happens so quickly especially lately, and I'm ok with this for the most part...anyways on a completely not so saddening days are getting all mixed up I wasn't even sure today was Wednesday, I worked 6days straight so my last day of work was mind and body feel like its been a weekend..but its Wednesday so I guess I just have to somehow get it through my head that my weekdays will be my "weekend" lol...hmm I have only read like 4-5 chapters so far in Fifty Shades Darker, I like it..I just haven't been sitting around reading it a lot because at night I'm too tired, and I have been keeping busy so I am hoping tonight I can get in a few more chapters..but I have to get up early tomorrow for orientation at the after this ill probably take a shower read, straighten over my hair, and head to was kind of productive in a way, I went to my grandmas for lunch, and me and my mom gave her dogs haircuts, lol...but yeah so tomorrow is orientation, and then I work Fri-Sun night shifts I think too, it shouldn't be so bad or stressful considering it is only 3 days..not that I mind getting more hours, because I don't but I'm just saying..anyways there isn't much to say..maybe something exciting will happen that I can blog about in the next few days, hopefully..

Another month said and done, I can't believe it honestly...I swear it doesn't feel like I have been blogging for almost a month, in a way it does seem like I have been blogging for a lot longer but for the most part its weird to think I began this blog jobless, but now I'm employed and I can recall the first blog like it was just a week ago..hmm life really does happen too fast, so as I always say, enjoy it and don't let days slip away like I sometimes do. :)

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