Thursday, August 16, 2012

A blog (long) story short.. JACKSONVILLE

A long story my last blog I mentioned I was going to download the Blogger app...and I did right after posting that, but when I went to log in it said my password was incorrect for the email address they provided that was linked to my last night or morning if you will at 3am, I was trying to figure it out..and I never figured it out...I kept trying when I got home yesterday and I still couldn't think of it, I tried the only 4 things it could possibly be..and the security question got locked up for too many attempts..I was literally SOL because I had logged out of my account on my computer which I never do..but low and behold, I was still logged into YouTube, which is the same account..and evidently the whole time gmail gave me the wrong e-mail thats associated with my account...anyways clearly it works..and I got it all together!! so lets get right into yesterday..

We left at was really relaxing just looking at sky with all of the bright stars..and what not, listening to music from my phone..but I could feel myself getting tired, anxious, and irritable.. 2 and a half hours later we arrived at the clinic for my mom, my brothers, my mom, and myself all went in and waited with was really nice in there, my mom got in quick, and my brothers and I were ready for food (haha) it was like 9-10ish we had tons of laughs, and enjoyed one another's company, so we went to Denny's I don't know why..I am not a fan of that place, but we went, and I happened to spill my drink all over, clearly I was getting clumsy over the lack of sleep haha..but we finished there and the food wasn't even that good really.but we kept in-touch with my mom and traveled to the beach, just to check it out, we decided not go swimming and what not (which I regret) because we didn't want to be all sandy and salty on our way back..or if we had to go back in..but I got a picture which I will share here; 
it looked really nice, and relaxing...and if we ever have to go back I will definitely go to the beach..aha..but anyways so my mom said she still wasn't going to be ready for a we headed to 'downtown Jacksonville' and only managed to snap a few quick photos of that, and of the stadium which I will also post here; 

it was a pretty small city, just like where I am from..but other than that we headed back to the clinic, and did some more waiting, and then came home, and I fell asleep on and off again in the car several times through out the day...I was up a total of 36 hours straight, with maybe an hour at most of napping in the car, so I came home and relaxed and it felt amazing to sleep, I slept 11 hours or so..and I am about to get ready and head to my grandmas maybe I will see some wildlife, she has the occasional bear that comes around, and deer..actually I may make a blog with the photos I have from previous times..hah (:

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