Monday, August 13, 2012

Blogging before work...

I felt like doing a quick blog before getting ready for work...I think I am going to lose it if today isn't any better than the past few days, I don't know why its so it not flu season? or is a longer shift too, and I have never worked on a Monday so it should be interesting.. or lets hope at least hah..but I literally got up at 11:15, and its now 12:18 exactly haha..and I have to leave for work by 1:35 so I am about to get ready..I just like how time goes by so much faster when you're not aware of the time, or staring at a clock the whole time lol...but anyways this is going to be a small blog..maybe I'll blog tonight? I am leaving for a mini 1 day vacay on Wednesday...its not really a vacay but we will call anything that is 2 hours away a I'm hoping I can get my head together by this Friday so work seems like breeze, not that it doesn't now because it does, but when its slow it can be next to dreadful for some reason..anyways time to get ready..:)

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