Saturday, August 4, 2012


I have been slacking with blogging lately, but I'm hoping this week I'll be able to blog more...I only have one more day of work until Friday, so I should have enough spare time..haha on another note..Yesterday was a pretty good workday aside from being late (i read the schedule wrong) :[, but..other than that it was fine although it was slow, and today was also good a little slow too, but I open tomorrow, and usually mornings seem more busy, so thats always a plus, I think I like working mornings a little bit better than evenings, I guess I'll determine that tomorrow haha..I feel like I'm behind in everything from blogging, to reading, to relaxing (LOL) I am only on like chapter 8 of Fifty Shades Darker, I wanted to read last night..but I had a horrible headache and decided to take some medicine, and a bath..and after that I just passed maybe tonight I'll at least read a chapter, I'm sure this week I'll also be able to get more reading in as well ;).

Slacking in everything...but sometimes it's acceptable right? haha.

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