Tuesday, August 21, 2012

L'Oreal True Match Lumi Review

I know I said I'd give it a few days..but I think today was enough to get my full opinion..today it was boiling hot out, then it rained, and it got cooler, so I have been in three different weather levels with this foundation haha..so here we go..

My Skin Type-
Normal/Combination, I don't have really oily skin, or overly dry skin, my skin isn't acne prone really, I mean I do get 'that time of month' pimples, and the occasional stress pimple.

Product info-
SPF 18, luminous healthy glow, 8 hour lasting power, lightweight bulidable coverage, for all skin types. Pretty self explanatory, it all sounds good.

$13 and some change, which is honestly a little bit pricey for a drugstore foundation in my opinion, but I am assuming because it is a newer product, and eventually it will probably go down, but if you plan on buying this I think you should find a coupon, or a good sale on it.

I was/am impressed with the packaging, not a lot of drugstore foundations come with a pump, so that was definitely a plus, I like the overall packaging, the LUMI is a nice pink shiny color totally girly and fun, I feel like the packaging could easily lure people in to buy it.

The Color Range/Shades-
Now I am not going to lie, I have never personally boughten a L'Oreal foundation, I have however used my friends True Match foundation a few times in the past, and honestly I wasn't completely sold on it, I just didn't feel like it was my type of foundation but that was when I was younger and non experimental/experienced, my point of mentioning this is when I went to buy this foundation I wasn't sure what my shade was..So as we all know we can't really test out, or have someone help us with drugstore foundation shade matching, so what I did was grabbed my shade from Color Stay and tried to find the closest shade, I ended up with W5, which I think is called Sand Beige? But it was a little darker than the color stay shade I buy, which I'd rather be a little darker and blend than be lighter like a ghost haha, but to my surprise when I put it on it was even lighter than my Color Stay foundation, so I don't know if thats just how L'Oreal foundations are, or what the deal was but it was kind of weird.

How I Applied It-
I wanted to make sure I did everything I could to avoid using anything with shimmer affects in it today, so I grabbed for a basic ponds moisturizer applied that all over my face, I then added 1 pump of the Lumi foundation, it gave a decent coverage but I decided to add another pump and a half to see if it was really buildable, and it was..so then I set it with a powder lightly, I added my bronzer with no shimmer, and I added a matte blush, I usually would add a highlight but I didn't today so I could really see how Lumi this could get haha, so after I was done it looked really nice.

Like I said above, its a buildable coverage, I would say its more than light, probably a good medium coverage with two pumps..one pump though covered the one pimple I have, and my redness, I imagine you could probably build it up to a full coverage, but I don't know if that would look cakey or not..the foundation doesn't look cakey with one-two pumps though.

The consistency is more liquified, than any other foundation I have used..It is very light on the skin too which is really nice, it doesn't feel like you are wearing a mask that is for sure, but especially going from using a gel like foundation (Clinique Stay-Matte) it was like water..but that could just be me.

Lasting Power-
The claims are 8 hours, and I actually have gotten 10 hours that it has lasted, I mean it doesn't look as flawless as it did at 6 hours, but it doesn't look blotchy, or too faded so this definitely gets a thumbs up, but I do have to say I had to add a little powder in my t-zone at 4 hours, because it actually made it a little oily feeling, which is kind of disappointing but I will talk about that more down below.

The Lumi Affect-
It certainly does look like I added a highlight in all the right places, which is impressive..its like one step less in my daily makeup routine so I like that, and it doesn't look like a chunky glitter affect, its like the perfect natural look in my opinion, I was worried it may look like I slathered my face in baby oily but it doesn't haha.

My Thoughts-
I will without a doubt be wearing this frequently, I do like it a lot, I like that it is light but gives a good coverage, I like that it has the luminous affect or 'highlight' affect, I like the fact that the SPF is pretty high, I love the packaging..but I don't like the fact that I have to add powder throughout the day, I never have to with any other foundation so that is a minus, I don't like the fact that the shades aren't as they seem in the bottle but I could be wrong about this given I have never previously bought a L'Oreal foundation, and the price is a little too high for a drugstore foundation..but other than that I do like this foundation a lot.

I would give this foundation a 4 out of 5 stars, easily. I would recommend this for anyone who is looking for a nice natural, light, medium coverage foundation, with a highlight affect...but I honestly wouldn't recommend this to someone who has naturally oily skin, only because I don't ever get oily from foundation,and I did get a little oily, unless you want to take a chance I wouldn't recommend it, I know usually people with oilier skin tend to want a matte foundation to avoid the glossy look, I  am actually surprised it claims to be for all skin types...I would probably wait for the price to be lowered, or the product goes on sale, or you have a good coupon to go out and buy this, unless you are like me and just anxious to get your hands on any new product haha..but I hope this helped someone !

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