Thursday, August 16, 2012

Always changing, changes.

Incase you don't read my blogs, or you failed to notice, I have changed my background, finally! I can't even begin to tell you how many different patterns, and background layouts I just went through..I literally went on google and picked about 15-20 patterns or more and none of them satisfied me, so I resorted to this one, I am content with it for now...BUT I would have preferred something more "fallish" I know that isn't a word, but fall like..I mean really its almost Fall and I thought it would have been a nice change, but nothing looked great enough to keep, I only changed it because I couldn't stand the pink, and light pink polka dots any longer..haha I just wasn't feeling it anymore I guess? And even though I wanted to be original and creative, with not using a preset background..I kind of like this one its not too over the top, but it isn't exactly too plain either..the perfect mixed medium? I think but this probably will only satisfy me so long...we are always changing..and change is usually either really beneficial, or bad...but we adjust anyways right? I don't even know what I am saying right now...I think I still haven't had enough sleep to bring me back to normal so to speak..and I work tomorrow :/, and I keep getting a weird 'butterfly' feeling in my stomach for no reason? I don't think thats normal but oh well...anyways I'm gonna go before I aimlessly type nothing important, but its time for a nice bubble bath, and sleep, exciting I know.

In life we change..things change.. whether it be for the good, or for the worse, we adjust, its weird how that is our we can be put in situations that change our entire life, but we manage to keep it together and adjust or at least attempt to adjust..its weird how everything happens for a reason, even if we don't understand it upfront..but eventually realize we wouldn't be doing/where we are today without those changes..good or bad.. life is weird, unpredictable, not very understandable, hard and easy all at once, we don't have anything to compare to life...and thats why each individual day should be embraced, and cherished, because you never know what change may be awaiting you for the next tomorrow..:)

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