Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Blog blog blog

It's funny every time I sit down and think about a blog to write I never end up doing it but I decided I would do one today, about today...excuse any slurred words I am running on less than 5 hours of sleep haha...

Today was fairly mom, aunt, grandpa, little cousin, and I went to go visit my uncle who lives an hour away, my grandpa had to pick something up, and we decided we'd go with him, have lunch, visit my uncle, and lay by his community pool get some sun, and swim, its one of those pools that are next to a lake so it makes it all that better HAHA..anyways so my day went a little like this...

Waking up after about 4 and a half hours of sleep..I get ready and on Good Morning America, they were talking about 'what waiters won't tell you' so apparently when you ask a waiter "what do most people order, and like?" they will tell you one of the more pricer items on the menu, oh how clever I know..haha, and then they were talking about how the lemons for your water aren't usually cleaned, and just sit out..ugh but anyways I thought id share that incase anyone missed it..but I got ready, we left, we went to lunch (I am always the one to order either a chicken caesar salad, or a hamburger..its usually cheaper, and a safe pick to insure ill like it but I went on a limb today) and I ordered a BLT chicken sandwich it was actually pretty good..after lunch we headed over to my uncles who wasn't even home, probably went to run errands or something so we decided just to head back home and going swimming at my aunts aunts pool was freezing, it has been raining every evening for the past few days, and her pool isn't directly in the sun so that would explain it, we didn't last long in there..and then I went home and I got a package with my college t-shirts that were on sale..woohoo, now this is where I wonder...

Is it weird to represent a state college, or a community we all know universities are represented aimlessly everywhere..but state and community colleges usually aren't, so is it weird..I go to a state college and for those of you who don't really know what a state college is..basically it is higher than a community college, but lower than a university..state colleges offer a few bachelor degree programs as opposed to a community college, but they don't offer master degrees or anything higher than that, or ALL bachelor programs..I don't know I feel like representing your college is fine, and if its not whatever because I am :D hehe...

So that was the most exciting part of the day, I got my little cousin one because he's going back to school Monday (3rd grade, tears of sadness run down my face as I type this he's getting so old) but he really likes having different t-shirts and I thought it'd be nice to get him one since you can never have enough new clothes for a new school year right?I didn't tell him I was getting him it so it was a little surprise. But he convinced me to order him two more (I am such a doormat jk)

On another note, yesterday me and my aunt watched a movie called "ATM" yes you read that correctly, and no its not referring to the sexual terminology lol..but we watched it and omg what a misleading movie, I wrote a nice long in depth description of the movie but decided to just erase it..but I don't think I'd recommend it personally, unless you like movies that lead up to nothing..

I am about to do another blog that will be above this one (obviously haha), a in depth review of Clinique Stay Matte foundation. 

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