Saturday, August 11, 2012


As you can tell from the title this won't be the prettiest post...BUT honestly if I don't post this now I never will...let me give you a brief background of my history with cockroaches..I have encountered some in my day I am from Florida and especially now they seem to be making frequent appearances..but when I was younger we would see the occasional one, and my mom would come and save the day, as I have gotten older..I have encountered these flying cockroaches, and yes I said flying..they might be palmetto bugs, but regardless they are cockroaches to me, and they evidently like to fly in my hair, on my legs, or just in general on people..maybe they get amusement I can't imagine their lives being any greater than seeing us scared shitless when they decide to out of nowhere land on us..anyways getting to the story...

ABOUT hmm 20 minutes ago, I got out of my bubble bath (my favorite since working on my feet for several hours), I brushed my teeth, and washed my face..all ready for bed, and I was about to look up some hair tutorials on youtube..well low and behold I look up and there is what appears to be this (excuse my language here) HUGE ASS yes I repeat HUGE ASS cockroach..I was so grossed out/ freaked out I went and ran for the know the only logical thing that could reach this beast..and I come back and hit it..and unlike most people I hit it with the broom, drop the broom, scream, and run...why exactly? I don't know..maybe cause I don't like these things and they freak me out, most people would hit it, look where it dropped, and kill it from there, but not anyways I wasn't going to go to sleep in my room at this point but I figured if I called my dog maybe he could snoop it out, he enjoys playing with bugs any bugs..and he found this beast..HAHA so when he went to drop it I killed it, thankfully I can sleep rest assured LITERALLY that their is no longer a monster creepin in my room, I'd rather not know what bugs I sleep with...then too have the knowledge of them potentially being there...but anyways I rewarded my dog with a big treat, and he gets to sleep with me, I never really like my dogs sleeping with me..but just cause he did such a good deed I am letting him for the night..anyways I hope someone got some sort of entertainment out of this cause I sure didn't haha...

PS. I am seriously obsessed with that Jason Mraz song 'I won't give up' and I don't know off to listen to that, and look up the hair tutorials, then bed...:)

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