Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Finally A Moment To Just Blog

I am leaving for Jacksonville in less then 2 hours..I have been attempting to stay up, and the only way to manage this has been to keep myself occupied..I have been drinking Diet Mt. Dew to get my caffeine in haha..and I just made some Caramel Drizzle Foldgers coffee for the ride..I'm gonna ice it, since I can't imagine drinking hot coffee right now..Evidently me and one of my brothers are going to go to the beach..I'm thinking about taking some iPhone photos for the next blog, maybe maybe..haha but to keep myself occupied, I have done two loads of laundry..and took a shower and shaved since I'm going to be at the beach for a bit..I really don't even want to go to the beach in all honesty..but whatever! On another note..today I went to CVS for some things we needed, one of them being a clear top coat (nail polish) and I ran across the 'Spoiled' collection..ugh and all of the colors looked desirable in my opinion, or at least most of them, but I managed to grab one specific one that caught my attention 'cougar attack' I had completely forgot this was the new Wet 'N Wild line..I don't even think the bottle mentions it being affiliated with WNW, hmm..but anyways the color pay off is really good for $1.99, and like I said the colors are nice..so anyways definitely a product more than what it is worth, although I read some reviews and most people didn't like the brush..its the bigger kind, but I personally prefer that kind it picks up more product so it takes less time..the formula isn't too thick, or too thin..or at least for the one I got..even the clear coat was pretty good honestly..but other colors may not be as good, but in the near future I will probably pick up some more. Last night I had a dream about a tornado, I have dreams about tornados pretty frequently it's weird..like once a month or so..some say it has something to do with stress..but I don't know its odd..It's almost time for me to get ready..I can gladly say I can't wait to get back tomorrow and go to sleep, I wish I had slept in later this morning, and napped this evening..but oh well I'll probably have some mood swings, or fall asleep in the car at some point, or even at the beach (haha) although that doesn't sound half bad at all..I am also thinking about downloading the blog spot/blogger app, so maybe that can keep me occupied on the ride, AND I am going to go ahead and bring my fifty shades darker..since it could be a good opportunity to get some more chapters in since I haven't been lately :(, anyways I am gonna go prepare to get ready, and what not..

The next blog will most likely be in Jacksonville..it's weird how far away a place can be, but with all the technology there is today I can blog from different, cities, states, countries..I know I know I sound like an old person, but it is true..hahaha.

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