Monday, August 20, 2012

Days Like These..

Today was really good..I went and got the True Match Lumi foundation, I haven't tried it out yet, but I am excited..I also picked up 7...yes I said 7 Spoiled nail polishes..actually its a funny story (not really) so..I went to CVS and I picked up the three I had wanted, and I saw one I really liked but I was like 'I'll just get it some other time' but low and behold I got a $5 coupon from the Beauty I went to another CVS and picked up four more, which like I said I'll do reviews and stuff sometime later this week..and I'll do a review on the True Match Lumi foundation in a few days so I can get a feel for it, and see how I like it and things like that...OH I also called work and did find out the energy drink was my co-workers, she forgot to take it that was a BIG relief hah.. and so I went to my aunts house and gave her dogs baths, which was pretty entertaining for a bit..and then me and my mom went through the nail polishes I bought, and we were trying to figure out how to do water marbling, which we failed but we are figuring you HAVE to have filtered water, which we didn't hah.. but other than that its been a really nice, relaxing, entertaining, chill day, which means days like these deserve a big ol' thumbs up, or something of that nature haha..anyways, I am off to take a shower, and watch some YouTube videos..(:

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