Friday, August 31, 2012

Class #2, Target Splurge, Tragus Piercing

Alright alright, so I had to get up early this morning for Bio class, it was good, the professors really nice, once again she said its a hard class the average percentage that passes is 48% so thats always great news (sarcasm haha), but it was really good, and I am really glad I only have two classes this semester, once a week..BUT more importantly after class I had a Target splurge, those are always great haha, they had some really good clothing buys...I bought a nice robin egg blue kind of color shirt, new jeggings :), a new black cardigan long sleeved for the fall/winter time, I bought a new black shirt for work, and some rose goldish color sandals which are adorable..surprising just that cost $102 :( sheesh TarJay..hahah..but anyways I did get my tragus pierced, after I clean it tonight I will be posting a 'my tragus piercing experience' for anyone that is considering getting it, or just that will be up sometime tonight..and as for tomorrow it's going to be another early morning/long day, I work the evening shift tomorrow, and Sunday, which is fine..and then Monday and Tuesday I am spending all day doing homework and such..but yeah look forward to my tragus post shortly, or if you're reading this other than today it is located above ;)...

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