Thursday, August 30, 2012

Where Do We Begin?

Lets first start off with the fact that the nail polish review/swatches etc won't be up tomorrow :( I know, I know, but I am out of nail polish remover, and I have been super busy..I am going to try my best to get it completed, but this time I won't mention a day, it will just be a surprise, haha..On a different note, yesterday was my first day of class, Fall term..and it was ok, the professor is really nice, but the class is math, and it is I kind of felt like I was watching the clock, I think next time I'll drink coffee before I go, or something with caffeine to maybe 'pump' me up for class haha..but yeah I have to get myself together with studying and stuff, so I pass..Aside from that though, I have my other class tomorrow morning, bright and early, I am hoping its a bit more fun, but that will be for another blog..but tomorrow I am still going to try to get my tragus pierced after class, and then do a little shopping :):):):), note to self...get nail polish remover!! ahahah. Now on with today... I spent the whole day I said I would, I slept in as late as I could, haha I didn't get up till around 1:30ish, I then cleaned my room, every things nice and clean, I did two loads of laundry, I have one more left my lovely whites for work!, the most exciting thing that happened today though WAS...dundundun, I moved my furniture, I moved my bed to the center of my used to be against the wall facing my closest, now its dead center facing a blank wall..which hopefully will be changed soon ahha, I moved my dresser to the left of my bed, and put my tv on a temporary night stand thing until I get an alternative it is next to the dresser but its in the corner so I faced it diagonally so it faces the bed, if that makes any sense lol, I kind of like it this way, it feels a little cluttered ( my room is on the smaller side ) but I have to get used to it, if I decide to keep it this way I will be buying a matching tv stand..I think the thing I like the most about it is the fact that it looks like its more full, its hard to explain..but anyways I'll keep you updated on that, and I may just post some pictures once my room is completed!! :)

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